सेतू...The Bridge
लौकिकाकडून अलौकिकाकडे...
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010

चरखा......धागा धागा अखंड विणुया
एका आदर्श समाजाची परिकल्पना काय? याचा विचार करायचा म्हटले तर आपल्या अभ्यासाला, संशोधनाला सुरुवात तर होइल. मात्र, याचा निकाल आपल्या हातात कधी येइल याबाबत काही सांगू शकत नाही. कारण समाजातील विविध समस्या खुप वाढल्या आहेत आणि त्यावर वर वर चे उपाय योजून चालणार नाही. या समस्या पूर्ण नष्ट केल्या पाहिजेत. तेव्हाच आपल्या समाजाला धैर्य आणि गतवैभव पुन्हा प्राप्त होइल. यासाठी डॉक्टर श्री अनिरुद्ध जोशी यांनी १३ कलमी योजना जाहिर केल्या आहेत. या योजनावरच त्यांच्या संस्थेचे कार्य अवलंबून आहे. या १३ कलामंमधील पहिले कलम म्हणजे वस्त्र योजना अर्थात चरखा योजना
वस्त्र योजना अर्थात चरखा योजना
गरिबीमुले अंगभर नीट वस्त्रही घालता येत नाही अशी अवस्था प्रगतिशील भारतात आजही आहे. खेडेगावात राहणार्या सुमारे ४ कोटिहुन जास्त विद्याथार्नकड़े एकच गणवेश असतो. पुरेसे आणि टिकाऊ कपडे उपलब्ध नसल्याने शिक्षण पासून ती मुले वंचीत राहतात. गरजू विद्याथार्नकड़े आणि त्यांच्या परिवाराला आवश्यक कपडे पुरविण्यासाठी चरखा योजना जाहिर झाली.
अनिरुद्ध आदेश पथकाचे कार्यकर्ते स्वखर्चाने अम्बर चरखा विकत घेतात. त्यावर सूत कातातात. संस्था या सुतापासुन कापड तयार करते. या कपड्यापासून शालेचे गणवेश तयार केले जातात आणि त्यांचे विनामूल्य वाटप करण्यात येते.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pls. find the attached photo of Trivikram , which was commence by Bapu yesterdayat Harigurugram. A very beautiful story told by Bapu alongwith it's importance.This was given by our Bapu to all of us, this Trivikram is a very unique weapon, shastra,in the whole world. It was already with our Mata Mahishsurmardini, but now at this point of time our Bapu's mata was given this Trivikram for all of us at this peak pointof Kaliyug. All the details was given by Bapu for this Trivikram, like it's shape, colourused, Dharmasan etc. We will all get the necessary information ASAP for this Trivikram, Bapu wants all hischildren should be self reliant, one's all the wishes will be fulfiled which is as per theGod's path that promise has given by our Bapu.Very soon we will be abled to get this Trivikram in the form of idol or Photo or Locketor !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.......so just wait till to get this.
(Article by Mr. Devendrasinh Dongare)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Link: http://www.worldwarthird.com/default_main.htm
This is not telling the future,This is a study, a study of history and of the present circumstances.This is research, a research of the intent of the various characters on the stage of the world... I wanted that all my friends,ordinary as they are just like I am, acquaint themselves withat least two percent of what the third world war means.Hence this written endeavour...for My friends,fromDr. Aniruddha Dhairyadhar Joshi(M.D.(Medicine) and Consulting Rheumatologist, Editor of the widely read Indian daily - Pratyaksha)
Thursday, July 16, 2009

“Om Namaschandikayey”
“Om Namaschandikayey” 108 times a day starting from 8th July 2009 till 8th August 2009 as per the direction of Param Poojya Aniruddha Bapu.
This is to inform all the bhaktas (devotees) that the Aniruddha Upasna Trust has organized the ‘Mahishasurmardini Utsav’ from 9th August – 17th August 2009. The Utsav (festival) would be celebrated to mark the installation of idol of Goddess Mahishasur-Mardini having 18-hands at Shree Kshetra Gurukshetram. Param Poojya Shree Aniruddha Bapu described the idol as one, which has a very, very furious appearance. The festival has been purposefully kept for such a long period with the intention of making the darshan easy, calm and queue-free for all the bhaktas.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
1. Charkha: Yarn spun by volunteers is made into cloth to be distributed among needy students and their families.

4. Old is Gold Yojana: Old utensils, clothing, books, toys etc, will be collected for distribution to needy students.
5. Warmth of Love Yojana: Torn cloth is used to make quilts for the poor.

6. Vidya Prakash Yojana: Candles and matchboxes are donated for use by students who do not have electricity to enable them to study.
7. Cleanliness Yojana: Cleaning up of public schools, hospitals and places of worship is undertaken by volunteers.
8. Ahilya Sangh Yojana: Will work towards the empowerment of women.
9. Shreemad Purushartha Grantharaj : To free society of unnecessary ritual and blind faith which are wrongly followed in the society.

10. Information Bank: Every Thursday, before his discourse, P.P Bapu will impart information which will update devotees on new scientific discoveries.
11. Bhartiya Bhasha Sangram: To inculcate a sense of brotherhood among Indians, volunteers will learn at least one language other than their mother tongue.
12. Study of the Five Continents: Progress and politics of the five continents will be studied.
13. Disaster Management Volunteers: An Aniruddha's Academy of Disaster Management will train volunteers to tackle natural and man-made disasters.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

PRATYAKSHA, the only non-political daily newspaper in India has completed three years of its eventful existence.
What sets PRATYAKSHA apart is that it is a newspaper that had dared to defy the set norms and chart a course of its own, never attempted before by any other daily its newspaper, while at the same time being rooted in the traditional journalistic ethics. It is probably the only newspaper in which International news accounts for a lion’s share of the content Pratyaksha, apart from the daily news, covers features of various genres, including business, finance, sports, vocational guidance, health, personal care, music, history, ancient Indian culture and its relevance in today’s times, and spiritualism. Its readership thus spans the street-smart entrepreneur as much as the spiritually inclined; the finance wizard as much as the teenager on the crossroads of a career, the housewife and last but not the least, the senior citizens who find PRATYAKSHA to be a companion, who talks with them in the ‘language’ they understand and appreciate. Through it columns, PRATYAKSHA very subtly yet transparently seeks to create an awareness amongst the people as much about their rights as about their responsibilities as citizens of this great country, not only towards self but also towards family society and humanity at large. For us at PRATYAKSHA it is much more than publishing a newspaper – it is a mission – of bringing about a social transformation – of giving value to its readers
The commercial details of 'PRATYAKSHA' are given below :
Publishers : Lotus Publications Pvt. Ltd
Edition : Mumbai
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Third World War

Following is the Preface of the book ‘The Third World War’, compiled from the series of editorials written by Dr. Aniruddha Dhairyadhar Joshi on the third world war, in the ‘Daily Pratyaksha’ in March 2006.Only because....On the 11th of September 2001, i।e. no sooner had the third millenium begun, than every nation in the world began to reflect over its protection and to consider afresh, its future political policies. Most of the prominent nations in the world had already acquainted themselves with the ways of terrorism. The U.S.A. and Russia had, instigating terrorist outfits, even used them against one another. However, the 11th September episode happened in so less a time and with so little an expense, that the U.S.A. which considered itself the one and only supreme power on earth and, therefore, indomitable, became conscious and mindful of the real strength and capacity of terrorism. The misery inflicted by terrorist activity that India had been suffering through many years, boomed so powerfully into the face of the U.S.A. that it ended up scorching it completely. And the U.S.A., that had hitherto constantly turned a blind eye towards the evidence presented by India, was forced to roll up its sleeves and prepare to fight terrorism, the very terrorism that it had once nurtured and fostered.The subject of this series of articles is not merely terrorism or anti-terrorism war based on the study of events that have occurred till now; it is a reflection over the possibilities that will unravel in the times to come.
There is no doubt that over the next twenty to twenty-five years, conflict will become an aspect of everyday doings and in every region on earth। Values based on theory or principles will have no place whatsoever in this conflict and ‘survival of the fittest’ will, on the contrary, be the only commandment. Thus, although political games and secret conspiracies are going to be sure directives, quantitative power that can resort to aggression, violence and extreme ruthlessness is going to prove more dominant and successful in the conflict and for a long time to come. Once the war begins and more and more allies begin to take their stand on either side, the open and defiant violation of all ethics, one after another along with that of restraint begins with equal pace. Then there comes a stage when neither side feels the need to give any moral justification of its deeds, not even a superficial one. This is what has already started to happen and with every coming year, such instances are going to mount rapidly.
The common man and sometimes even the political leadership is of the opinion that a discussion on war or analysis of war cannot be done openly because war is a sudden and surprise manifestation of secret schemes and conspiracies। Besides, more than ninety percent of the people, not only of India but of every country in the world, can base their contemplation over war, the political reasons behind the war as also the realization of these on just a bare minimum of information. However, it is these very people, who have not only to suffer but to withstand hundred percent of the consequences of war.Pure democracy is the only strength that can mellow down the horrific face of war; but today, how many nations of the world are real democracies? The democracy in Great Britain that boasts of being the father of the parliamentary democratic system too is growing feeble owing to corruption and internal conflicts. Though democracy has struck firm and deep roots in the Indian subcontinent, the innumerable big and small political parties tend to lead it astray, not to mention the eternal downpour of corruption that drowns it in deep sorrow. Russia and China, both super powers, have not even a trace of democracy in them. Although the American democracy might seem relatively healthy and capable, at least apparently, problems like the rapid increase in addiction among the youth alongside the fall in the number of well-educated native Americans as also that of the diminishing participation of the citizens are factors that adversely affect the health of the American democracy. To add to this, the widespread and extensive network of propaganda and communication set up by the American secret organizations has succeeded in taking control of the mass media of several nations of the world, including those of the U.S.A. Pakistan, the eternal enemy of India, is in itself, ‘the foreboding and inauspicious prelude’ to the book of terrorism and Pakistan will, in the times to come, openly go about setting the stage with terrorist props for the purpose of the plot of the drama that will be war.
In the coming times, the equation of today might not be valid tomorrow and what was valid at seven in the morning, might be flung right out of the window after its purpose is served, and at five minutes past seven.This is not telling the future. This is a study, a study of history and of the present circumstances. This is research, a research of the intent of the various characters on the stage of the world. In the next twenty years, a thousand occurrences will happen and literally in a hundred different places and that is one fact that every wise and studious thinker is aware of. A hundred different occurrences might be happening even at this very moment but here, there is a figurative mention of only ten selected ones. It is just that the remaining ninety occurrences have not been recorded, though they have certainly been part of the study undertaken.The calendar is released every once in a year because there is a definite kind of mathematical formula and construction involved. The calendar of the coming ‘third world war’ is however, going to be a new one every day.I wanted that all My friends, ordinary as they are just like I am, acquaint themselves with at least two percent of what the third world war means. Hence this written endeavour........for My friends,

THE THIRD WORLD WAR – HOW? .... WHY? ...."War cannot decide who is right… It only decides who is left!!!"
This work with contents that make us aware of the horrific ravine of war, also echoes a similar sentiment. Titled ‘The Third World War’, authored by Dr. Aniruddha Dhairyadhar Joshi, it is a collection of a series of studied and thoughtful articles that appeared in the columns of the daily, ‘Pratyaksha’. The work does not dwell only on the causes and the possibilities of war; it also discusses several issues that are, as a matter of fact, real, a part of History. Moreover, the common person, not necessarily acquainted with the details, the events and the causes lying behind these and especially in so coherent a manner, should indeed read the work.
“There is no doubt that over the next twenty to twenty-five years, conflict will become an aspect of everyday doings and in every region on earth. Values based on theory or principle will have no place whatsoever in this conflict and ‘the survival of the fittest’ will, on the contrary, be the only commandment. Thus, also political games and secret conspiracies are going to be sure directives; quantitative power that can resort to aggression, violence and extreme ruthlessness are going to prove more dominant and successful in the conflict and for a long time to come.“ These words, part of the prologue, are a strikingly realistic comment on the general circumstances that prevail.
We also become aware that with modern techniques changing the face of war, battles between two nations are no more restricted to the battlefield. Now the fury of war has engulfed every region of every nation.
Moreover, all the organizations of the world pretend to fight war under the guise of a dutiful observance of religion though no religion advocates this sort of destruction. War no longer fought between the good and the evil, is but a violent eruption, entirely immoral. Pulling us out of our cozy and secure cocoons, the work bears before us, this and other such blatant realities. This is indeed the strength and this also, the success of the work.
The work makes very profound yet sharp observations about the history of the Jews, the birth of Palestine and Israel, Osama-bin-laden, the Al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations, the conversion in Africa, Saddam, the I.S.I., the double standards of the U.S.A., Pakistan’s hatred for India and the shelter that it offered to terrorists, Iran and terrorism, the current situation in Bangladesh, Taiwan, Cuba and also in the Indian subcontinent.